How Lasers Improve Dental Treatments

Woman at the dentistry

The word laser seems embedded in the realm of science fiction. At least that is what many of our patients tell our staff when they hear a dental treatment will include using lasers.

Laser dentistry is not a new concept. However, using lasers as a part of dental treatments is more common than ever. As laser technology evolved and refined, its practical applications in the dental world multiplied. Today many dental offices use lasers as a part of their daily routines.
laser dentistry
Our San Francisco dentist is a Laser Certified Faculty member at the University of California, San Francisco. Additionally, he received certification by the World Clinical Laser Institute where he holds an Associate Fellowship Certification in Laser Dentistry. Our dentist freely shares his knowledge and skills with his associate dentists.

There are several ways the dental community uses lasers to improve patient treatments.

• Lasers are helpful when used in tooth whitening. The light from a laser increases the speed of the whitening process.

• Our dentists count on the precision focus of lasers when doing delicate procedures such as removing sores from a patient’s mouth or taking biopsy samples.

• Many patients, especially those with dental anxiety, find the sound of dental equipment extremely distressing. Our laser is quiet and generally does not bother patients or cause increased anxiety.

• Laser light has a warm and somewhat analgesic quality. Many patients receiving laser dental treatments require less anesthetic, and in some cases no numbing is needed

• Tooth extractions are much easier when our dentist uses a laser. Lasers are also used to reshape teeth for crowns and effectively remove decayed tissue during root canal procedures.

• Occasionally our dentists will use a laser in combination with traditional dental techniques and tools in order to achieve what is necessary

If you think you could benefit from laser technology as a part of your next dental treatment, please feel free to get in touch with our office. Our staff can give you more information about laser treatments to help you make an informed decision.

How Lasers Improve Dental Treatments