Process for Getting Porcelain Veneers

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Dental porcelain veneers are an easy and effective way to conceal severe stains or minor gaps in your teeth. The benefits can be significant, but that must also mean that the porcelain veneer process for setting them must be difficult, right? Actually, no.

The process for setting veneers is actually quite easy and straightforward. As with most things dental, the process begins with a dental exam and x-rays. It is important to ensure that you have no pre-existing gum disease, which would need to be treated first. If all is well, the dentist will then remove a small amount of enamel from the teeth receiving the veneers. Although this process is not surgical, it will require local anesthesia to prevent any pain. Finally, a mold is made of your mouth so that the veneers can be manufactured to fit your teeth exactly.

You will then return on a later date to have the veneers set. This is done by adding a special dental cement to the back of the veneer, which is in turn placed on your teeth. Using a light beam that activates the chemicals in the cement, they quickly seal into place. Then the dentist will make minor adjustments as necessary.

Contact our Burbank porcelain veneers dentist to schedule a consultation and determine what options would work best for you.

Process for Getting Porcelain Veneers

Does Getting Veneers Require Surgery?


Porcelain veneers is a perfectly descriptive term for this cosmetic dental treatment for concealing unsightly stains, gaps or other minor dental problems that you want to fix. As the name suggests, they are made of porcelain and they are a veneer.
Answering this question, does getting veneers require surgery, lies in a simple examination of the words involved in it, veneer and surgery. A veneer is something that covers something else. Surgery, on the other hand, by definition implies the cutting of tissue.
It goes without saying that when you smile, you show your teeth. They are not hidden, rising above the gumline. Therefore, using the two very simplistic definitions above, if you are placing a veneer on something that is already visible, no tissue is being cut. In other words, surgery is not involved.

Although the porcelain veneers procedure is, thankfully, more involved and technical than simply gluing something to your teeth, it is nevertheless a mere veneer. The most invasive part of the process is the removal a small amount of enamel from the surface of the teeth to receive the veneer, which only requires local anesthesia to dull the pain.

Contact our porcelain veneers dentist in Burbank to learn more about the process.

Does Getting Veneers Require Surgery?

What is the Cost of Veneers?

Veneers can be a great cosmetic dental treatment for masking any imperfections in your teeth that may be affecting the overall aesthetics of your smile. The cost of receiving veneers will vary from patient to patient, as there are several factors that could affect the overall cost.

The first thing to take into consideration is the number of veneers that you will need. It probably goes without saying, but the more veneers that you need, the higher the cost will be. The material that the veneers are made out of will also affect the cost. Veneers can be made out of porcelain or resin, with resin being the cheaper option. Most dentists will agree, though, that veneers made from porcelain are a better overall value. Porcelain veneers have a much better aesthetic and they are far more resilient than resin veneers. The geographic location of where the service is being done will also have an impact on the price. Major cities tend to cost more than minor cities and rural areas. For example, the dental veneers prices in Burbank will probably be higher than they are in the Midwest. Lastly, the level of experience of the person performing the procedure will also determine the total cost. The more experience that a person has placing veneers, the more expensive it will be.

If you are considering veneers as a way of improving the aesthetics of your smile, contact our Burbank dental veneer expert to schedule a consultation.

What is the Cost of Veneers?

Placement of Dental Implants

Dental implants are artificial tooth roots placed in the jaw as a replacement for missing or extracted teeth. Implants are relied upon by orthodontists and endodontists as the best way to restore a smile from the bone up. Those patients who do not have sufficient bone mass in their jaws to support implants are often approved for graft surgery. However, the majority of cases can have the implants set directly into their existing jawlines.

Implants are placed in either one or two stages, depending on the need. A titanium screw-like piece is first surgically installed into the jawbone. Our dentist in Pasadena may choose to leave the head of the post exposed in the gum, making it easier to access in a second stage. Later, another piece called the abutment is installed, penetrating the gum through the mouth. This will aid the doctor in crowning the implant.

Whether or not your implant requires one or two stages, there will be a lengthy healing process, known as the osseointegration phase. This is simply the bone fusing around the implant.

This work typically requires no more than a local anesthetic and is carried out in the chair. A hospital space is needed only in extreme events. Our expert in dental implants in Burbank can put you at ease with your implants to leave you smiling with confidence. Dental implants are exact replicas of your teeth in every way, from appearance to function.

Placement of Dental Implants