What Full Mouth Reconstruction Can Do

Young woman touching her face isolated on white background.

A full mouth reconstruction is a comprehensive procedure that is designed to rebuild all or most of the teeth in your mouth. If you have suffered a dental accident, have severe periodontal disease, extensive tooth decay, or other problems that have led to serious dental issues, our dentist might recommend a reconstruction.

During the procedure, we can:

  1. Replace missing teeth
  2. Correct a bad bite
  3. Replace old or worn fillings
  4. Treat the damage of decay or periodontal disease
  5. Repair broken, cracked, or damaged teeth
  6. Improve the appearance of a damaged smile
  7. Restore comfort and treat TMJD
  8. Give you back your self-confidence

Our dentist will begin with a thorough examination of your teeth, jaw, and gums to determine the best way to begin treatment and the most appropriate treatments and procedures to use. Correcting your bite, treating dental disease, and creating a healthy new smile are all within reach with a reconstruction of your full mouth. The process can take place over weeks or months depending on your needs, and at each stage of treatment, we will provide you with the tools you need to keep your smile strong, healthy, and beautiful. Contact our office today to learn more or to schedule your appointment with our dentist in Santa Clara.

What Full Mouth Reconstruction Can Do

Different Treatments Used for Full Mouth Reconstruction

0420Smiles can take a beating over a lifetime. Even if you take good care of your teeth by brushing and flossing, teeth can still be lost to any combination of things, like illness or trauma. Everyday attrition can create decay or gumline erosion, and conditions like bruxism can severely wear down the teeth. In extreme cases, it may take full mouth restoration to get your smile back to its old status.

Our dentist in Northridge can recommend a treatment plan that combines two or more strategies. The right combination will depend on the severity of your case, and your commitment to invasive and sometimes prolonged dental work. Here are three main factors in full mouth reconstruction:

Dental implants—This is becoming a sort of go-to for restorative dentists, as implants are the best way to mimic the natural look and function of lost teeth. Implants are a major surgery, done in stages, and require weeks of healing between the stages.

Dental bridges—Using bridges, the dentist literally closes the gap created by lost teeth, using a replacement tooth or pontic and the adjacent, existing teeth for support.

Dental crowns and veneers—These tooth-colored composites act as shields for existing teeth that are in disrepair. Certain kinds of veneers require no alteration of existing tooth structure.

Ask our expert in full mouth reconstruction in Northridge what she can do to restore your mouth.

Different Treatments Used for Full Mouth Reconstruction

Purpose of Full Mouth Reconstruction

smiling girls with champagne glasses

A full mouth reconstruction is necessary when all of the teeth in your upper and lower jaw need to be replaced or restored. A variety of procedures will likely be necessary in order to accomplish a full mouth reconstruction. Depending on the specifics of each individual case, only a dentist will be able to say for sure which procedures will be necessary.

If the teeth are broken, but not missing, a variety of restorations may be used. When a tooth breaks off at the gumline, a crown lengthening procedure will be necessary in order to expose enough of the tooth to be fit with a crown. Broken teeth may also be restored by our Northridge dentists through the use of dental veneers or dental bonding. If your jaw was knocked out of place, orthognathic surgery may be required.

If all of your teeth have been lost, then the likely treatment will be the placement of dental implants. Implants require that your jawbone have enough strength and density in order to support the implants. If your jawbone lacks these requirements, then a bone graft procedure will need to be done beforehand. Dental implants can be used to support a full mouth fixed bridge or a removable overdenture. These implant-supported dentures are usually better options than standard dentures, as implants are able to mimic the look, feel, and function of your natural teeth.

If you have suffered decay or injury to the point that it has affected your whole mouth, contact our expert in full mouth reconstruction in Northridge to schedule a consultation.

Purpose of Full Mouth Reconstruction