Symptoms of TMJ and Its Treatments

Aggressive Seniorin

TMJ, or the temporomandibular joint, is what connects the jaw to the skull. Studies estimate that over ten million Americans are affected by temporomandibular joint disorder, which can cause a series of symptoms, including severe pain.  Fortunately, there are doctors and dentists that specialize in TMJD, (such as our dentist in San Francisco) who emphasize the importance of knowing the causes, symptoms, and possible treatments.

TMJD can be caused by:

  • Teeth or jaw injury
  • Misalignment
  • Grinding the teeth
  • Poor posture
  • Stress
  • Arthritis
  • And gum chewing, among other triggers

The disorder can lead to mild to severe jaw pain, clicking of the jaw joint, ear pain, popping sounds in the ears, headaches, stiff or sore jaw muscles, pain in the temple, and jaw lock. These can result in serious discomfort, constant pain, and an inability to eat properly.

Treatments for TMJD range from simple to invasive tactics. Those who suffer from the disorder can employ several remedies at home, such as applying ice packs, using anti-inflammatory medications, and gently messaging the area. Eliminating sources of stress can also have a considerable positive effect. An expert in TMJ in San Francisco may be able to prescribe dental splints, medications, physical therapy, or even Botox. In serious cases, surgery may be required.

Symptoms of TMJ and Its Treatments

Why Some Dental Veneers Fall Off

Beautiful surprised woman isolated on white

Porcelain veneers are an excellent way to improve the appearance of your smile. They are very effective with covering up minor flaws in teeth such as discoloration, chipping, cracks, or gaps between teeth.

A veneer is a thin layer of porcelain that is bonded to the front surface of your teeth. Though porcelain veneers are very durable, they are not as strong as tooth enamel. In addition, due to their smaller size, they are more susceptible to falling off or breaking than crowns. Therefore, they require care to ensure that they last. Examples of some things that can cause veneers to fall off include:

  • Incorrect bite: If your upper and lower teeth do not meet properly this can cause your veneers to fall off.
  • Teeth grinding: Those who grind their teeth are more susceptible to their veneers breaking or falling off.
  • Biting into non-food items: Chewing on pen caps or other hard objects or using your teeth to tear open packages can cause veneers to break or fall off.
  • Small surface area: Veneers on smaller teeth are more likely to fall off than those on larger teeth, since they have a smaller surface area of bonding.

Veneers can also fall off if they do not fit properly or if they were poorly bonded during placement. For this reason, it is important to receive veneers from a cosmetic dentist who is experienced in placing them, such as our expert in dental veneers in Los Angeles.

Why Some Dental Veneers Fall Off

How Long Does It Take to Recover from Dental Implant Surgery?

If you are missing a tooth due to injury to the mouth or damage caused by dental health issues, you may choose to get treated by an expert in dental implants in Los Angeles. As every case of missing teeth is different, so is every implant procedure.

The success of a dental implantation is heavily based on the condition of the jaw bone. Not everyone’s jawbone is suited for dental implants. If a bone has sustained damage or deterioration, or a patient simply does not have enough bone mass in the particular area, they may need to undergo bone grafting. As a healing period after a bone grafting is required, this procedure can add to the length of the treatment as a whole.

If the jawbone is healthy enough to receive an implant, your expert in dental implants surgery in Los Angeles will create space in the bone, and then insert a titanium appliance to act as a tooth root. You will need to take to heal after this surgery, during which the titanium will fuse with the bone. This is a process called osseointegration, and is possible due to the specific nature of titanium, which will not cause infection. This healing process can take anywhere from two to seven months, and is entirely dependent on how quickly and how well the appliance fuses with your jaw bone.

How Long Does It Take to Recover from Dental Implant Surgery?

Dental Bridges and Their Uses

Dental bridges are special restorations that are used to restore one or several teeth that are missing. A bridge is supported by two dental crowns, which are placed on the teeth on either side of the empty area. Our dentist can help you decide if a bridge is right for you.

Bridges offer several benefits. They replace your teeth so that you can eat, speak, and smile comfortably. Once teeth are lost, your other teeth will take on more of the burden of biting and chewing, which can put a lot of stress on them and increase the risk of damage. This can also cause the other teeth to drift out of alignment, and the ones on either side of the gap can shift or tilt into the space. The bridge maintains proper spacing and distributes bite forces more evenly.

A bridge also maintains the shape of your face. Without the teeth in their proper positions, facial tissues tend to collapse inward. This can have an aging effect on your face, and your face may look thinner or deeply wrinkled in the area of the tooth loss. The bridge can help keep your facial muscles properly stimulated and fuller.

Dental bridges do far more than bridge the gap between lost teeth. They can give you back your smile. Call us today to learn more or to schedule an appointment with our Santa Clara dentists.

Dental Bridges and Their Uses

What is the Color of Dental Bonding?

Woman at the dentistry

The process of mending a tooth decayed from a cavity has changed considerably during the history of dentistry. We used to have no other solution for pain in the teeth than to simply remove it. Now, fortunately, we are capable of procedures like dental bonding.

Dental bonding is the restorative act of applying a resin to a tooth that is damaged due to a crack, chip, or decay. It can also fix gapped or crooked teeth. Patients may chose, along with their Beverly Hills cosmetic dentist, to fix their damaged tooth with a dental filling, but bonding has become a much more preferred solution, as it is less invasive and more efficient.

If you are going to be receiving a dental bonding, you may be wondering how it will look as part of your smile. We used to only be capable of restoring damaged teeth with big, black crowns, which were very noticeable and what many people have a mental image of today when they think of fixing damaged teeth.

Fortunately, dentistry has come a long way in the cosmetic aspect of dental repair. Not only is the plastic resin that is used for bonding shaped and smoothed to fit your tooth, but it is also tooth-colored, so you no longer have to live with big dark splotches on your teeth.

For more information about the color of bonding, be sure to ask an expert in dental bonding in Beverly Hills.

What is the Color of Dental Bonding?

Important Factors in Choosing Your Smile Makeover Dentist

Beautiful blonde woman

You have decided to take the plunge and get the smile you have always wanted. But how do you choose the right dentist for the job?

It Starts With You

Before you can choose the right dentist, you have to figure out exactly what you want. Think about what you like and do not like about your smile. Look at yourself in a mirror and decide what changes you would like. Look at pictures of others in magazines to find examples that you like and things that you would not like. Write everything down in a list and take it along with the pictures when you visit any dentist.

Finding a Dentist

Once you know what you want, you can look for the dentist that can deliver. Here are a few tips for finding a good dentist.

• Ask for referrals from family and friends who have received cosmetic dental treatment
• Ask trusted dental professionals for recommendations
• Read online patient reviews

When you get the name of a dentist, research that dentist online. Visit their website and read about the treatments and services they provide. Look at dental makeover before and after photos that appear on the website. Read any patient reviews you can find. Once you find a dentist you like, schedule a consultation to meet with them.

Meeting the Dentist

An in-person meeting with the dentist will help you gauge whether you like them. Are they a good listener? Do they invite questions and address concerns? If it seems like a good fit, you can move forward with having an oral exam. After examining your mouth, the dentist will work with you to come up with the treatment plan that best meets your needs.

Important Factors in Choosing Your Smile Makeover Dentist

How Dental Bonding Works

Woman at the dentistry

Dental bonding is a fast, affordable way to change the look of a smile. During the procedure, a tooth-colored resin is applied to the tooth and cured with a special light. It is done to improve the look of a tooth or to restore the tooth after a minor injury.

Our dentist can use bonding in many ways, including:

• Repairing small cavities and chipped or cracked teeth
• Concealing small stains or discolorations
• Providing an alternative to amalgam fillings
• Closing gaps between teeth
• Changing the shape, size, or length of teeth
• Protecting exposed roots
• Making other minor changes to the tooth

Most cosmetic changes can be done without the need for anesthesia, but you may need a local anesthetic if the tooth being bonded has decay. Our dentist will then need to prepare the tooth by creating a rougher surface and applying a conditioning liquid to the tooth to help the resin adhere. The resin, which has a putty-like texture, is then applied and molded into the desired shape. and A special light or laser is used to cure the resin and bond it to the tooth. Our dentist will then polish the resin to match the tooth.
Call us today to learn more about bonding or to schedule your appointment with our cosmetic dentist in Santa Clara.

How Dental Bonding Works

Common Dental Treatments

Woman at the dentistry

Modern dental care includes treatments to prevent problems and restore teeth after damage and cosmetic flaws occur. With a full selection of treatments in these categories, our dentist in Northridge offers patients a convenient source of general dental wellness. Here is a look at the most common procedures available.

Preventive Treatments

Examples of preventive treatments are fluoride and sealants. With fluoride, patients are less likely to experience dental erosion and tooth sensitivity. Sealants prevent acids and bacteria from causing tooth damage.

Restorative Treatments

This category includes basic restorations, such as fillings, as well as more complex procedures. Inlays and onlays, also called indirect fillings, are available along with crowns, which cover the entire tooth. Root canal treatment eliminates infections from teeth so that extraction can be avoided.

Cosmetic Treatments

Some popular cosmetic procedures are teeth whitening, for removing surface stains, and veneers, which conceal discoloration and structural flaws. Patients can also get a smile makeover, which combines multiple procedures to rejuvenate oral appearance.

During exams, our dentist can explain options for patients who are looking to achieve restoration of their dental health and looks. Patients can schedule a consultation at our dental clinic in Northridge to learn more about common treatments and their applications.

Common Dental Treatments

How Dentists Examine the Teeth

Woman at the dentistry

A lot happens in the process of one visit to an expert in dental exam in West Hollywood. Your dentist takes this time to do a proper, full examination of your teeth and overall dental health. What does this involve? It is good to know what to expect before you go in to your dentist. This can help prevent any stress or fear, and also help you compile any questions in advance that you may need answers to.

The first thing your dentist will do is evaluate your overall oral health and hygiene. Dentists can tell a lot just by a simple look inside your mouth. They will then assess any risk of tooth decay, root decay, gum, or bone disease. They also make a point in checking your jaw and jaw joints, as well as your bite, as your orthodontic health deeply affects your dental health.

Much of your visit will be spent cleaning – removing stains and/or deposits. If they feel you will benefit from it, your dentist will demonstrate proper brushing and other oral hygienic techniques. They may also decide whether or not you require fluoride.

If you require more information about basic dental examinations, you should not hesitate to contact a dentist in WeHo for more information.

How Dentists Examine the Teeth