How Does AcceleDent Work?

young woman in front of familyThe length of your orthodontic treatments depends on several factors. The main contributors are the severity of the case and the type of appliance used. Severely crooked, rotated, and maloccluded teeth will take longer to correct than mild cases. Braces, while typically the most effective, often take longer than some more modern options. Acceledent is a way to speed up the orthodontic process for many patients.

Acceledent is an FDA approved device that uses pulsing vibrations to increase the speed of tooth movement. A mouthpiece is worn for only twenty minutes a day. It effectively and painlessly loosens the tissues in the mouth and jaw, allowing the teeth to be moved more easily. The force from your appliance is therefore enhanced greatly, often as much as fifty percent. This means that patients who would originally require a year of treatment before their teeth set in correct, healthy positions now only need about six months before seeing results.

Nobody wants a lengthy orthodontic experience, and AcceleDent is perfect for those who wish to show off a fantastic new smile at an upcoming event, such as a graduation, wedding, or reunion. This device can be used with virtually any time of orthodontic appliance. Check to see if your San Francisco cosmetic dentist offers this useful treatment.

How Does AcceleDent Work?