What Does an Endodontist Do?

Woman at the dentistry

An endodontist is a dentist who specializes in root canal therapy. Their training will be equivalent to that of a dentist, with an extra tier: endodontists typically study for 2 to 3 additional years. They train in pain diagnosis and pain management, and have their own governing body—the American Association of Endodontists.

Root canals have advanced significantly over the years and are considered routine. But it’s still a delicate procedure, and you want an experienced and specialized set of hands. An endodontist will have performed thousands of these procedures before yours. Many of them work on referral, and receive patients from general dentists.

Root canals are delicate procedures because of the complexly branching nature of tooth roots. A lot of thorough excavation is required to pronounce the site minimally free of infection. The specialist must also be careful not to nick a nearby ligament, as this can cause undue patient discomfort.

Endodontics is as much about aftercare as it is about cleaning and replacing infected tissue. Endodontists refer to themselves as “the teeth savers”. Some education is part of this, as our endodontist in Los Angeles is always eager to help patients take better care of their existing teeth going forward.

What Does an Endodontist Do?

How Much Does Endodontic Retreatment Cost?


Root canal treatment is highly successful, but rarely, a tooth may need to be retreated. This can occur if the treated tooth continues to hurt or fails to heal. Retreatment may also be necessary if the tooth becomes infected or painful again after a successful root canal treatment.

Our endodontist in Los Angeles may recommend endodontic retreatment if:

  • The restoration was delayed, allowing the tooth to become reinfected after treatment.
  • The restoration was damaged, allowing saliva or bacteria to contaminate the treated tooth.
  • One or more canals were undetected and left untreated during the initial procedure.
  • Narrow, curved or abnormally shaped canals were not properly treated during the initial procedure.

The cost of retreatment can vary depending on the complexity of the procedure. The removal of the restoration will add to the cost, and the treatment of the additional canals may also increase your overall costs. However, dental insurance will typically cover all or part of the cost of endodontic therapy. Talk to your insurer to determine your coverage limits and your out-of-pocket expenses for this type of care.

Call our dental office today to learn more about our endodontic retreatment cost in Los Angeles or to schedule your exam.

How Much Does Endodontic Retreatment Cost?

How Does Soda Affect the Teeth?

smiling girls with champagne glasses

You may have heard from many sources that soda is horribly bad for you, but you might still be wondering why. One of the ways that soda is bad for you is because it is detrimental to the teeth. The teeth are harmed by this drink for several reasons.

The first reason why soda is bad for your teeth is due to the high level of sugar content. This sugar teams up with the bacteria in your mouth to attack your dental enamel. Without this important level of protection, the teeth are more susceptible to plaque, and therefore decay. This can also lead to tooth sensitivity, which is typically very difficult to treat.

Phosphoric acid is also present in many types of sodas. Dentists actually use phosphoric acid to eliminate enamel for some dental procedures, so you can imagine what soda does to the teeth. Just like sugar, phosphoric acid slowly wears away at dental enamel, an irreversible issue.

You should also keep in mind that soda will stain your teeth. Bacteria activated by the sugars in the drink will cause the teeth to turn yellow over time.

If decay reaches a certain point, affected teeth will need to be seen by an endodontist, an expert in the inside and structure of teeth. To ensure your teeth are safe from the harms of soda, avoid drinking the liquid and opt for water instead.

How Does Soda Affect the Teeth?

What are Some Common Endodontic Treatments?

Endodontics is a specialized branch of dentistry that deals with the pulp that is located inside the root canal of each tooth. Therefore, an endodontic treatment is any treatment that involves working within the pulp.

The most common endodontic treatment is the root canal. A tooth can need a root canal if it becomes damaged through decay or injury. Since it is always best to save a natural tooth whenever possible, a root canal treatment provides the opportunity to save the tooth through removing the pulp. In this procedure, our Los Angeles endodontist drills an access hole into the affected tooth and removes the pulp that is inside from this point. The root canal is then flushed and cleaned once the pulp has been removed. The canal is filled with a rubber-like substance called gutta percha, and then it is fully restored by a crown that is placed on top of it for protection.

Another common endodontic treatment is the repairing of a cracked tooth. If you crack a tooth bad enough, the pulp can become exposed. If it is exposed for too long, you will ultimately lose the tooth. If you knock your tooth out, you can also expose the pulp of a tooth. If you are able to get your tooth to the endodontist within the hour, then your chances are much better for saving the tooth.

If any of the above conditions are affecting you, contact our expert in endodontic treatments in Los Angeles as soon as possible for treatment.

What are Some Common Endodontic Treatments?