Purpose of General Dentistry

Doctor with patient in clinic consulting

Many procedures and services fall into the category of general dentistry. With this care, patients have a lower risk of suffering dental problems and can receive restorative and cosmetic restoration of existing issues. Here is a closer look at each of these areas within general dentistry.

Preventive Care

Several general dental procedures help prevent oral health problems. Routine cleanings, for example, clear more plaque and tartar from the teeth than home cleaning can. Fluoride and sealants also help keep the teeth healthy.

Dental Restoration

If teeth are decayed or damaged in another way, restorative treatments can be used to repair them. Fillings, inlays, onlays, and crowns are examples of these treatments. Functionality is preserved and complications are prevented in the process.

Cosmetic Improvement

Some general dental procedures also make teeth look better. Several restorations, such as fillings, are available in tooth-colored form. This can hide any aesthetic effects of dental problems and preserve a natural appearance afterwards.

Patients can benefit from general dental care in terms of their oral health and appearance. Before or after dental problems occur, our dentist can provide these and other procedures as patients need them. Patients can contact our San Francisco cosmetic dentist to learn more about these procedures and what they offer.

Purpose of General Dentistry

Importance of Dental Cleanings and Exams

Happy patient

Experts recommend that every see a dentist for a routine check-up at least once every six months. However, between other important appointments and the duties of everyday life, this can be easy to forget about. Some may also think this requirement does not apply to them, as they take good care of their teeth. Getting a dental cleaning and exam twice a year, however, is vital to really maintain good dental and oral health.

Did you know that only dentists can remove plaque from your smile? Plaque is a sticky substance that develops from sugar and carbohydrates, and causes decay and gum disease. It is more easily removed when newly developed, and not after a long period of time. This is one main reason why regular cleanings are so important.

During a routine dental exam, many areas of the mouth are checked for several health issues. The teeth are checked for decay, cavities, and looseness. The gums are checked for disease, abrasions, and sores. It is during these appointments that oral cancer is most commonly detected. It is important to remember that health concerns such as this are more easily treated when detected at an early stage. Do your smile a favor and schedule your dental appointments with our dentist in Houston on time.

Importance of Dental Cleanings and Exams

Lo que hace que las limpiezas dentales sean importantes

Woman at the dentistry

Una limpieza dental profesional cada seis meses es una parte importante de la odontología preventiva. Las limpiezas profesionales ayudan a mantener sus dientes libres de acumulación y toxinas que aumentan su riesgo de enfermedades dentales y amenazan su salud dental.

En su próxima limpieza, nuestro equipo realizará varias tareas, incluyendo:

1. Retirar los depósitos mineralizados
Estos depósitos se llaman tártaro o cálculo, y se forman cuando la placa, un biofilm blando, pegajoso, no se limpia de los dientes con la suficiente rapidez. La placa y el tártaro albergan millones de bacterias orales y crean un ambiente poco saludable en la boca. Tartar sólo puede ser removido por un profesional dental, por lo que una vez que aparece, necesita una limpieza profesional.

2. Pula tus dientes
Las pequeñas manchas pueden tener un efecto grande en su sonrisa. Durante una limpieza profesional, utilizamos una pasta de grano especial y una herramienta de pulido para eliminar estas manchas y dejar los dientes limpios.

3. Compruebe si hay signos de problemas
En cada etapa del proceso de limpieza, verificamos cada superficie de los dientes en busca de puntos blandos, esmalte desgastado, tejido deteriorado, erosión del esmalte, inflamación de las encías u otros problemas que pudieran necesitar ser evaluados adicionalmente.

Llame hoy mismo a nuestro Van Nuys dentista para saber más sobre otras maneras de mantener su sonrisa saludable o para programar su próxima cita.

Lo que hace que las limpiezas dentales sean importantes

Why is Professional Dental Cleaning Necessary?

Woman at the dentistry

The standard recommendation is that you visit the dentist every six months for a professional dental cleaning. There are good reasons why a professional dental cleaning is necessary in order to maintain optimal oral health.

Our dentists in San Fernando Valley recommend that you brush your teeth at least twice a day and floss at least once a day as part of your at-home oral hygiene regimen. The reason for doing this is to remove plaque from your mouth. The reason you want to remove plaque is because it is directly responsible for tooth decay. When the bacteria in plaque feed on the sugars in the foods that we eat, they create a harmful acid byproduct that causes tooth decay. When plaque is allowed to accumulate, it turns into tartar. Tartar not only provides a safe haven for these harmful bacteria, but it also can lead to issues such as gum disease if it gathers around the gumline. While we can remove plaque with proper oral hygiene at home, only a dental professional is able to remove tartar. And truth be told, it is simply not possible to effectively remove all of the plaque from spaces between the teeth and below the gumline. That is why a dental cleaning is so important, as the dentist is able to remove the plaque and tartar that we undoubtedly have missed during our home cleaning routine.

If it has been a while since your last dental cleaning, contact our dental cleaning dentist in San Fernando Valley to schedule an appointment.

Why is Professional Dental Cleaning Necessary?

When You Should Have Your Teeth Cleaned by a Dentist

0208.jpgAt home, brushing and flossing twice a day is the best thing you can do for your oral hygiene. Regardless of how thorough you are with your oral hygiene regimen, though, you will absolutely miss cleaning some spots in your mouth. Plaque and tartar have a way of hiding between teeth and underneath the gumline in spots that we simply cannot reach. A professional cleaning by our West Hollywood dentist will ensure that those hard-to-reach spots are also cleaned.

Dentists and their hygienists are professionally trained to clean your teeth. They also have access to better tools for cleaning the entirety of your mouth. They will be able to identify the spots in your mouth that plaque seems to congregate, so that you can keep a special watch on those spots at home. The dentist will also provide you with tips for how to best clean your mouth. While the professional cleaning aspect is certainly a good reason to visit the dentist, there are also other benefits. For instance, during your cleaning the dentist will be able to keep a look out for any changes in your oral health. Many issues like gum disease and oral cancer are much easier to treat the earlier they are caught by your dentist.

If it has been a while since your last professional cleaning, contact our expert in dental cleaning in West Hollywood to set up an appointment.

When You Should Have Your Teeth Cleaned by a Dentist