Are Veneers for Upper Teeth Only?

Beautiful blonde woman

Veneers can effectively mask many different cosmetic issues that are affecting your teeth. They can be used to conceal teeth that are gapped, chipped, stained, and crooked. Veneers can be placed on upper and lower teeth, but some patients only do upper teeth as a cost saving measure.

The reason some people believe that veneers are only used for upper teeth is because if you are getting veneers placed, you will absolutely want them to be on the upper teeth. The upper teeth are far more visible than your lower teeth. For optimum results, though, it really is best to have both rows of teeth done. Typically, 6, 8, or 10 veneers per row are used. In cases when only the upper teeth are receiving veneers, the lower teeth are usually whitened so that they match the upper teeth. Each patient has uniquely shaped teeth and different cosmetic needs in general, so you may receive more or less veneers depending on your circumstances. Only a well-trained cosmetic dentist will be able to tell you for sure what is best for your smile.

If you are interested in learning if veneers are the right cosmetic option for you, contact our Los Angeles veneer expert to schedule a consultation.

Are Veneers for Upper Teeth Only?

How Long Do Lumineers Last?

Beauty Young Woman Portrait over White. Short Curly Hair

Lumineers are a no prep brand of dental veneers that are capable of masking teeth that are chipped, gapped, and stained. With proper care, Lumineers are capable of lasting up to twenty years.

Maintaining Lumineers is actually quite simple, as it is very similar to how you would care for your natural teeth. It is recommended that you brush your teeth at least twice a day and floss at least once a day. You should also be sure to visit our cosmetic dentists in Los Angeles for a professional exam and cleaning every six months. While the Lumineers are made of a special type of porcelain and therefore resistant to decay, your natural teeth that are behind the veneers are still just as vulnerable to the effects of decay.

Remember that Lumineers do not replace your teeth, but simply get placed over them. So any issue that happens with your natural teeth can compromise the quality of your Lumineers. This is also true with staining. While the Lumineers themselves will resist staining, if the teeth behind them get stained, it will shine through the Lumineers and affect their aesthetics. So avoid drinking beverages like coffee and wine in excess. Also, while they are quite strong, Lumineers are not indestructible. Our Lumineers dentist in Los Angeles advises biting objects like ice, pen caps, and fingernails for the best results.

How Long Do Lumineers Last?

Different Types of Braces

dental braces

A full selection of orthodontic treatments are now available by our San Francisco dentist. In addition to offering all the classic benefits of teeth straightening, many of these options also give patients enhanced comfort and aesthetics during treatment. Here is a look at several different choices.

Traditional braces, which use metal brackets and wires, are highly visible but also more versatile and affordable. Damon braces are similar in structure, but their brackets are smaller and made of ceramic that can match your tooth color. Furthermore, the Damon system offers self-ligating braces, which work more quickly and comfortably than classic metal braces. Clear braces, such as Invisalign aligners, are the most discreet option but also have some limitations based on the types of bite irregularities involved. AcceleDent is an accessory for various types of braces that speeds treatment through regular vibration of the teeth and their roots.

After braces, patients not only have a lower risk of tooth decay and gum disease, but also improved chewing ability and a decreased chance of tooth loss. As a result, patients may enjoy lower dental treatment costs and better health overall. Patients can schedule a consultation with our expert in braces in San Francisco to learn more about orthodontic treatment options.

Different Types of Braces

Invisalign Express and How It Works

The makers of traditional Invisalign have also devised a shorter-duration orthodontic treatment known as Invisalign Express. It works in exactly the same fashion as traditional Invisalign, but it is designed to be used by people who only need to correct a minor crowding or spacing issue.

Instead of using metal brackets and wires in order to straighten teeth, Invisalign uses a system of clear plastic aligners. Each set of aligners is worn for two weeks at a time before being replaced by a new set of aligners. Each new set of aligners moves your teeth one small step closer to your overall treatment goal. Traditional Invisalign typically uses twenty to thirty aligners in order to correct tooth alignment, but Invisalign Express requires that the orthodontic issue the patient is treating can be corrected in 10 sets of aligners or less. Our Beverly Hills Invisalign expert points out that there are additional requirements that must be met if you wish to use Invisalign Express for your treatment. For instance, a patient must not need to drastically rotate their teeth, must have less than 2mm of spacing or crowding per arch, must require less than 2mm of midline correction, and must require less than 1.5mm of dental expansion per arch.

If you are interested in learning if you qualify for treatment with Invisalign Express, contact our expert in Invisalign Express in Beverly Hills to schedule a consultation.

Invisalign Express and How It Works

What is the Purpose of Periodontal Scaling?

Cute blonde smiling at camera with boyfriend in background

Gingivitis is the first stage of gum disease. It is typically characterized by red, swollen gums that bleed easily when brushing and flossing. Gums can begin to recede, and if gingivitis is not treated in time, it can progress to a much more serious form of gum disease called periodontitis. Luckily, when gum disease has only reached the gingivitis stage, it is highly treatable and much of the damage can be reversed. A periodontal scaling is one such treatment that is designed to treat gingivitis before it progresses into periodontitis.

Scaling refers to the process of our Los Angeles periodontist scraping away the plaque and the tartar from above and below the gumline. Scaling is usually done in conjunction with root planing as a form of conservative treatment that acts as the first line of defense against the beginnings of gum disease. Root planing is very similar to periodontal scaling, but it focuses on removing plaque and tartar from the surfaces of the tooth root. Plaque and tartar are the leading causes of tooth decay, and in turn gum disease, and periodontal scaling is one of the most effective methods for removing them. By removing the plaque and tartar from along the gumline, it encourages the gums to more snugly attach to the teeth.

If you think you may have some of the symptoms of gingivitis, contact our expert in periodontal scaling in Los Angeles to schedule a consultation.

What is the Purpose of Periodontal Scaling?

Dental Veneers Reviews

Beauty Young Woman Portrait over White. Short Curly HairHaving dental veneers placed can be a life-changing procedure. In most cases, it is a rather positive experience, often drawing comparisons to undergoing a makeover. While there are some who have had bad experiences with veneers, the majority of reviews are positive.

Part of the reason that there is so much satisfaction with veneers is that they are so versatile. Dental veneers can be used to treat gapped teeth, chipped teeth, cracked teeth, and stained teeth. In some cases, veneers can even be used to fix crooked teeth in lieu of braces. Patients especially enjoy the fact that veneers are highly stain-resistant. And taking care of veneers is particularly easy. In fact, it is quite similar to how you would take care of your natural teeth. Regular brushing and flossing, along with visiting the dentist every six months for a professional exam and cleaning, will go a long way in ensuring the longevity of your veneers. With proper maintenance, it is not uncommon for them to last up to 20 years. For those that are not satisfied with their veneers, it is often the result of an unsatisfactory bonding technique performed by an inexperienced dentist. That is why it is always best to do your research beforehand and find a cosmetic dentist who has plenty of experience placing veneers.

If you would like to know if veneers are the right solution for your cosmetic needs, contact our tooth veneers expert to schedule a consultation.

Dental Veneers Reviews

Is Pain After Root Canal a Bad Sign?

When it comes to experiencing pain after root canal, the level of pain that is experienced is usually an indication if it is a bad sign or not. It is quite common to experience some mild pain after the procedure, but it should dissipate within a day or so. If the pain intensifies, that is generally a sign of a complication.

It is good to keep in mind that the general rule is that the worse the pain was before the root canal treatment, the worse the pain will be during recovery. There is going to be increased blood flow to the area during the healing process, which can cause tenderness and pain. And it is also important to keep in mind that if the root canal was successful, the nerves will have been removed from the tooth, and it will actually be the periodontal tissues causing you pain, not the tooth itself.

If the pain is excessive though, it is possible that you have experienced a failed root canal. If your pain is accompanied with a re-infection in the tooth such as swelling, fluid accumulation or drainage, that is a bad sign. Sometimes a root canal is not cleaned properly, which could be a cause for the infection. If an instrument such as a root canal file was broken in the canal, this could also cause complications.

Contact our endodontist in Los Angeles if your pain worsens after a root canal procedure.

Is Pain After Root Canal a Bad Sign?

Importance of Regular Dental Cleanings

Woman at the dentistry

Even if you brush and floss regularly, there are holes in your oral hygiene only a dentist can fill. Observing regular checkups can ensure your teeth do not suffer a destructive buildup of tartar, which cannot be brushed or flossed away.

In addition, dental cleanings are an important checkpoint in your overall health. Poor oral health has been linked to stroke and cardiovascular disease. The cleaner your teeth stay, the healthier your mouth is. And the healthier your mouth is, the healthier your body is.

Our expert in dental cleaning in Van Nuys will floss your teeth, or may ask you to floss in order to critique your style. (It is important to not use sawing motions). Afterward, she may offer pointers for how to brush and floss more effectively. The cleaning will likely end with a polishing, leaving your teeth looking better than before your appointment.

If your teeth have tartar, the dentist will scrape your teeth with a special tool. This process of tartar removal is called scaling, and again is not something you can do at home.

To schedule your next dental cleaning, contact our Van Nuys dentists.

Importance of Regular Dental Cleanings

How Long Do You Have to Wear Invisalign Retainers?

After going through a full course of orthodontic treatment with Invisalign, wearing the Invisalign retainer is the best way to protect the investment you have just made in your smile.

Immediately following your treatment, you will likely be advised to wear it day and night for at least a year or two. After that, our Invisalign dentists in Los Angeles will recommend that you wear your Invisalign retainer at night for the rest of your life. That might sound drastic and may not exactly be what you wanted to hear, but it is the only method proven to keep your teeth in proper alignment. Your teeth will unfortunately try to do everything that they can to move back out of alignment. This condition is called orthodontic relapse, and it is responsible for patients being forced to undergo orthodontic treatment a second time later in life. Years ago, it was only recommended to wear retainers for a few years after orthodontic treatment, but dentists and orthodontist know better now. There were simply far too many cases of orthodontic relapse for those patients who stopped wearing their retainers after a few years or never even wore a retainer at all.

If you are finishing up your orthodontic treatment with Invisalign, it is recommended that you contact our expert in Invisalign retainers to schedule a consultation.

How Long Do You Have to Wear Invisalign Retainers?

When are Lumineers Used Instead of Veneers?

Beautiful young happy cheerful couple

Dental veneers are a great way to disguise unsightly problems with teeth, including hiding discoloration, covering gaps, and making the front teeth look natural, symmetrical, and even. There are times, however, when our Los Angeles cosmetic dentist might not recommend standard porcelain veneers, opting instead for Lumineers. Here is a look at a couple of the reasons to choose Lumineers.

Reversible vs. Irreversible

Traditional veneers require the permanent, irreversible removal of a thin layer of enamel off the front of the teeth. Since enamel natural weakens and wears away as people age, this is not something many patients are willing to undergo. Lumineers are so thin, though, that no permanent removal of enamel is required for their application.

Minor Discoloration vs. Severe Discoloration

While the older style of veneers are thick and allow the disguising of severe discoloration of teeth, Lumineers are thinner and cannot do that as well. For patients that have just minor discoloration of their teeth due to calcium deposits or fluorosis, there is no reason to destroy healthy enamel to improve this relatively minor problem.

To find out which treatment is better for you, contact our expert in Lumineers in Los Angeles to schedule a free consultation.

When are Lumineers Used Instead of Veneers?