How Dental Sedation Can Help

young woman in front of family

The staff at our dental office knows that some patients have a good bit of anxiety when it is time for a dental procedure. We have patients who tell us that they avoid visiting the dentist because they are terrified of needing some type of treatment. While we promise that we do everything we can to make all of the dental remedies as stress-free and painless as possible, we also offer our patients the option of situationally appropriate dental sedation.

Our patients who typically are quite anxious about dental procedures report that dental sedation made their time in our dentist chair a positive experience. We offer several kinds of dental sedation; our expert in sedation will help you to select the best type for your individual needs and situation.

Our dental sedation options are available in three forms.

• NITROUS OXIDE- This sedative has been a part of dentistry for decades. You may know it by its more popular name, laughing gas. This kind of dental sedation is a gas that you receive through your nose. While it does not provide significant pain relief, it does give patients a sense of calmness and helps with relaxing. Nitrous oxide works quickly and also wears off quickly, so you do not need to feel concerned about being extremely groggy once your procedure is complete.

• ORAL SEDATIVES- Our dentist typically reserves oral sedatives for patients with excessive anxiety or dental phobias. You receive a prescription for a small quantity of anti-anxiety medication to take before your procedure.

• IV SEDATION- This type of sedation works well for complex situations such as dental surgery when a patient needs to be still for a prolonged procedure. With IV sedation, you are unconscious during the procedure and will most likely need to arrange a ride home.

We understand that few patients rush to see us because it is such an exciting experience. Our Huntington Beach dentist and staff hope that knowing dental sedation is an option will set many patients’ minds at ease. If you are interested in learning more about dental sedation, please contact our office. We have a variety of information we are happy to share with you.

How Dental Sedation Can Help

How Dental Sedation Can Help Patients

We know some of our patients have an intense fear of dentists, some have near phobic reactions and try to avoid the dentist entirely. Unfortunately, skipping regular dental visits puts oral health at risk.

Our Huntington Beach dentist wants all of our patients to have good dental experiences. Several positive encounters can ease your fears; this is why we offer optional dental sedation. This is a safe way to help make our patients’ visit as pleasant as possible. Our staff will gladly help you to understand dental sedation and answer any questions.

We use two types of sedation in our office; these are inhaled sedation and conscious sedation.

Typically called nitrous oxide or laughing gas, this is the gentlest and least disruptive kind of dental sedation available. Our dentist dispenses the colorless and odorless gas via a small mask that covers your nose. Your dentist will regulate how much gas you get as well and your level of sedation.
Benefits of an inhaled sedation treatment include:
• Quick results
• Easy to adjust
• No unpleasant effects

Another kind of sedation we offer is called conscious sedation. You are very relaxed and may doze during your dental visit. It is common for patients to have no recollection of your procedure. Oral anti-anxiety medications help you to become calm and relaxed before your treatment.

These medications will take an hour or so before you feel their effects. Often, we will give you a prescription for the drug, and instruct you to take one tablet before coming to our office. Please remember that driving after taking any sedative is dangerous and you should have someone drive you to and from your appointment.

Some benefits of conscious sedation are:
• No side effects
• Physically and psychologically relaxing
• Relieves pain

If you are someone who has an overwhelming sense of anxiety or fear when thinking about dental appointments, please contact our office so that our staff can help you plan your dental sedation and help ease your concerns.

How Dental Sedation Can Help Patients

Debe usted conseguir la sedación dental?

Woman at the dentistry

Muchos pacientes no les gusta la idea de ir al dentista para su chequeo regular o por importantes razones de salud bucal. Mientras que muchos muerden la bala e ir de todos modos, como se les aconseja cada seis meses, muchos evitan estas citas de ansiedad o fobia. La odontología de sedación está disponible en nuestro dentista de Los Ángeles para ayudar a pacientes como estos.

La sedación dental permite a los pacientes relajarse y mantener la calma, así como amortiguar cualquier dolor o molestia. Hay varios tipos, incluyendo el óxido nitroso, que simplemente relaja al paciente mientras que los mantiene despiertos, y la anestesia completa, que pone al paciente a dormir enteramente.

Pocas personas no son buenas candidatas para esta opción. Sin embargo, es mejor para aquellos que experimentan ansiedad severa y / o fobia en la silla del dentista. Nuestro dentista también puede recomendarlo para aquellos con un bajo dolor thresh sostiene, un reflejo sensible gag, o una incapacidad para permanecer sentado durante el tratamiento. Usted puede incluso solicitar la sedación si usted está experimentando un tratamiento o procedimiento que durará mucho tiempo.

Si usted está interesado en sedación dental, llámenos antes de su próxima cita para más información y para ver si usted es un candidato.

Debe usted conseguir la sedación dental?

Different Types of Dental Sedation

Woman at the dentistry

Dental sedation exists so people with dental phobia do not have to neglect their oral health. Dental phobia is very real, with its sufferers staying away from the dentist because of a childhood memory or a sensory trigger. With sedation, these patients can schedule exams and procedures knowing the experience will not be traumatic.

The following four types of sedation are widely used:

• Inhaled minimal sedation – The patient receives nitrous oxide through a mask, which brings a feeling of relaxation or even euphoria. The effects wear off quickly.

• Oral sedation – A pill from the Valium family is given before the procedure, inducing calm along with a general sense of sleepy well-being. Patients unfamiliar with the effects of this drug may even drift off for a nap.

• Intravenous moderate sedation – IVs work much faster than pills, and can be used as long as the patient does not also fear needles. Using an IV allows our expert in sedation dentistry in Beverly Hills to adjust the flow of medication as needed. Note that a pill may also be used for moderate sedation, depending on dosage. Under moderate sedation, the patient may have no memory of the procedure.

• Deep sedation/general anesthesia

• The patient is fully unconscious for the duration of the procedure.

For more about sedation dentistry, contact your Beverly Hills dentist.

Different Types of Dental Sedation