How Effective is Zoom Whitening?

Young happy caucasian woman naked

Grades for teeth whitening are usually handed out on two measures: how white it can make your teeth, and how long it lasts. For a little of both, you could try at-home whitening with whitening strips and toothpastes. Or you could make an investment and go with Zoom whitening, the popular chairside service that can get you up to eight new shades of brightness. And results of the treatment can last six months or longer.

Zoom whitening acts on an aeration-like process, pumping the teeth full of oxygen. This is accomplished with high amounts of peroxide that effectively bleach out stains both inside and outside the enamel. The process is so complete it can produce a shock-like effect, known affectionately as “the zingers”. This shooting sensation in the teeth is the most common side effect of Zoom treatment, and usually subsides in a few hours.
Our expert in Zoom whitening in Orange County likes to guarantee your results by prescribing take-home trays after your session. These release whitening solution onto your teeth over the next few weeks.

By eating carefully and avoiding stain agents like coffee and high-color foods, you can maximize your Zoom money. Contact our cosmetic dentist in Orange County today.

How Effective is Zoom Whitening?

Facts about Root Canal Procedures

Happy patient

If you’re anything like most Americans, you have an out of body experience when you hear your dentist utter the dreaded term, “root canal.” Fortunately, the jokes and warnings associated with this procedure are recognized by dentists as complete myths.

If you experience inflammation in the soft tissue under the tooth’s surface, there is no reason to panic. Our dentist has several methods to combat this problem in ways that do not cause discomfort beyond what you would experience during a standard filling. Most inner tooth inflammation is incited by deep tooth decay, repeated procedures done on the same tooth, cracks or chips in the tooth, or faulty crowns.

There are several benefits to addressing problems underneath the tooth’s surface, including preserving efficient chewing, maintaining natural appearance, and protecting surrounding teeth from excessive strain. Our dentist will typically treat an inner tooth infection by removing the inflamed or infected pulp, and cleaning the canal of the tooth. After, the canal is sealed with a rubber-like substance and restored with a crown or filling.

If you have any questions regarding this procedure, you should contact our dental professionals. Our Beverly Hills dentists are experts in addressing inner tooth inflammation and restoring healthy smiles.

Facts about Root Canal Procedures

Can Veneers Protect Your Teeth?

Friends having funTeeth whitening can be a tricky subject to tackle without the help of a dental professional. When it comes to dental veneers, a common concern is the health of the existing teeth just below the veneer’s surface. Our Los Angeles Porcelain Veneers expert is experienced in helping patients decide which treatment is right for them and providing long-lasting results.

Dental veneers are wafer thin shells that are attached to the front of your tooth’s surface. Our dentist will apply your veneer after he removes a thin layer of enamel. This is done to ensure that there is enough space for the veneer to maintain a natural appearance. Although many people fear this process, it will not compromise the health of your teeth in any way. Our dentist will place your veneers and they will form a tight seal over your teeth. As long as you continue to brush and floss regularly, your teeth will remain healthy and perfectly functional. Veneers are strong and stain resistant. Therefore, they provide you with an effective layer to protect your teeth.

It is important to visit an experienced professional for procedures such as these to get the results you deserve. Contact our dentist with any questions you have regarding porcelain veneers.

Can Veneers Protect Your Teeth?

¿Qué es un cambio de imagen de sonrisa?

La mayoría de la gente sueña con maquillajes de sonrisa, especialmente aquellos cuyos dientes han caído en mal estado. Incluso si usted ha tenido terapia de ortodoncia en su vida, la recaída dental es muy común. Dientes enderezados recurrir a viejos hábitos. Dieta imprudente o estilo de vida lleva a la erosión del esmalte, cavidades, descomposición y tinción. Usted quiere permanecer buscando joven, pero sus dientes son a menudo los primeros en ir.

Remodelaciones sonrisa están especialmente destinados para el envejecimiento prematuro que quieren dar a su apariencia una inyección de adrenalina. Hay varias tácticas cosméticas y restaurativas para discutir con su dentista en Los Ángeles. Usted debe comenzar con un examen dental, si usted no ha tenido uno recientemente. Una buena limpieza y pulido puede proporcionar una base fuerte en la que planificar su cambio de imagen.

Tal vez todo lo que necesitas es blanquear los dientes. Puede obtener varios tonos de brillo de una sesión de 30 minutos, utilizando gel de peróxido de carbamida y una luz de curado. Las bandejas para llevar a casa, que dispensan el blanqueo según sea necesario, pueden ayudarle a mantener su brillo.

Para un toque más permanente, considere uniones dentales o carillas dentales. Estas son técnicas de camuflaje para los dientes que están astillados, rotos, espaciados o descoloridos.

Para obtener más información sobre el cambio de imagen de sonrisa en Los Ángeles, llame hoy mismo a nuestra oficina.

¿Qué es un cambio de imagen de sonrisa?

Available Treatment Options for TMJ



TMJ, or temporomandibular joint syndrome, can be crippling when left untreated. Those who suffer from numerous symptoms such as facial tenderness and trouble chewing, often seek dental professionals in order to combat the painful side effects. Our TMJ dentist in Thousand Oaks provides superior treatment to counter the condition through therapy and timely procedures.

TMJ is classified as injury occurring in one or both of the joints that connect your jaw to your skull. Although there are many potential factors, a major cause of this condition is injury or misalignment of the teeth or jaw. If you are diagnosed with TMJ, our dentist may recommend a splint or night guard to limit teeth grinding. Another option would be a therapeutic method known as transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation. This practice uses a small battery powered machine to deliver a circuit of electrical impulses to the nerve fibers in order to reduce pain. Other available options are trigger point injections, or in severe cases, dental surgery, to release muscle tension. If treated quickly, patients with temporomandibular joint syndrome will avoid numerous painful side effects including trouble hearing, chronic headaches, poor oral health, and lack of sleep.

Available Treatment Options for TMJ

Dental Implants and Their Risks

For many, the thought of getting a dental implant sounds like an incredibly painful experience. However, with careful planning and the proper amount of time allotted to healing, dental implants are a very effective and permanent solution to missing or damaged teeth. Our tooth implants dentist in Beverly Hills is an expert in ensuring complete satisfaction with your new dental implants.

A dental implant is a fixture that is inserted into the jawbone to act as an anchor for an artificial crown. It is very important for patients to care for their implants and receive follow-up evaluations at the dentist to ensure they remain healthy. Beyond regular brushing and flossing, routine inspection at your dental office will make certain that there are no calcified deposits around the implant. It is always ideal to receive regularly scheduled cleanings and check-ups to detect any potential health risk early on. Certain risks involved in dental implant surgery are nerve damage, sinus problems, potential infection, or damage to surrounding structures such as other teeth. It is important to discuss dental implants and their risks with your dentist in great detail prior to deciding if implants are right for you.

Dental Implants and Their Risks

How is a Periodontal Scaling Done?

Woman at the dentistry

A few complicated factors precede periodontal scaling, including the transition of biofilm to calculus and the swelling of gingival tissue. These factors are complicit in the advancement of common gingivitis—literally inflammation of the gums—toward chronic periodontitis, which affects nearly half of American adults over 30.

Most plaque lives at or just below the gum line, making it impossible to detach by ordinary brushing or flossing. To remove it, our LA periodontist uses a hand scaler and occasionally curettes. In addition, laser therapy has entered the periodontal arena to a large extent, so ask your specialist.

Whether the dentist or periodontist uses manual or electronic instruments, the object is to clean out any pockets that formed between the gums and teeth—the pockets where bacteria rule. Once the relevant area is numbed, the dentist goes over each tooth incrementally to scrub it of every deposit. Because of the attention to detail, only a quarter of the mouth may be covered in one session.

One advantage of an electronic instrument like an ultrasonic scaler is the creation of tiny air bubbles. Since all bacteria are anaerobic, the oxygen created by the bubbles is devastating.

Ask our expert in periodontal scaling in LA for more information.

How is a Periodontal Scaling Done?

What Sleep Apnea Doctors Can Do for You

Snoring man, frustrated woman

Sleep specialists come from outlying areas of medicine. Some are otolaryngologists, some are pulmonologists. Others are even psychiatrists. This kind of extramural training can be essential to deciphering all the moving parts of a sleep apnea diagnosis. You may not have sleep apnea just because you snore. Sleep apnea symptoms can present as chronic fatigue or loss of cognition. You may need a sleep study to fully know.

If it comes to a sleep study, you can easily find one in your area that’s board-certified. A team of specialists working together, studying your sleep behavior in real time, can put you on the fastest road to recovery.

If you choose to forego the formality of a sleep study, or if the insurance you have won’t cover a specialist without a referral, our sleep apnea doctor can recommend several at-home recourses to try. These involve lifestyle shifts, like drinking less and quitting smoking. A healthier diet can reduce stress and help you lose weight. Try healthy fats and all the protein you can eat, as well as high-fiber foods like sprouted beans and ancient whole grains. Obesity is one of the most common links to sleep apnea, especially in older males.

To get started in a sleep apnea education, contact our sleep apnea doctor.

What Sleep Apnea Doctors Can Do for You

Is Invisalign Good for Teenagers?

Many adults are opting for Invisalign rather than conventional braces to straighten their teeth. This is because Invisalign is clear and more aesthetic than metal braces. Teens are also strong candidates for Invisalign. Our orthodontist can help you and your teen decide if Invisalign is a good option.

Unlike traditional braces, Invisalign Teen aligners are clear, removable, smooth and comfortable. Invisalign uses precise measurements for a completely customized treatment solution that fits your teen’s needs. They straighten teeth without visible brackets or wires, and each aligner progressively moves teeth until your teen’s smile is straight, balanced and healthy.

The aligners can be taken out, which means your teen can easily brush and floss her teeth and eat any food without being warry of damage. She can also participate in all her favorite activities, including band or athletics, without interfering with her orthodontic treatment schedule.

The teen-friendly version of Invisalign has several features just for teens, including the Blue Dot indicator to keep your teen on track. Eruption tabs are available to accommodate growing jaws. Replacement aligners are also a possibility. Call our office today to learn more about Invisalign options for teens or to schedule your consultation with our dentist in San Francisco.

Is Invisalign Good for Teenagers?

Teeth Whitening and the Gums

young woman in front of family

While teeth whitening is the best way to brighten stained teeth, there can be some side effects. This is why it is important to undergo this treatment with the help of a professional teeth whitening dentist in Beverly Hills, in order to minimize these possibilities. Here is a look at what to watch out for.

The gel or liquid used in teeth whitening treatments is abrasive. This is what removes extrinsic stains, but can also result in loss of enamel. Dental enamel is an important layer, and our teeth need it to protect the underlying, more sensitive layers. Our dentist is sure to use just the right amount of material to prevent this from occurring.

This material can also be harmful to the gum tissue. The gel or liquid reaching this area of the mouth can lead to abrasion, sensitivity, and other serious issues. Experts use a plastic or rubber guard to protect the gums and other soft tissues.

If you are using an at-home kit, be sure to follow all of the instructions in order to keep your mouth safe and healthy. Ask our dentist what protective measures can be made during whitening treatments.

Teeth Whitening and the Gums