Is Invisalign an Option for Me?

Doctors Showing Aligners - 3

When it comes to orthodontics, there are several treatment methods and Invisalign is one of them. Here are some of the reasons Invisalign can be your best bet.


Invisalign is the most popular clear aligner. It is transparent so when you put it on, nobody will notice it at all. This is why most of our patients prefer it over metal braces. They say metal braces attract attention when they smile, laugh or speak in public. But with a clear aligner that is invisible, they are more comfortable.
Ease of removal

It is very easy to remove Invisalign aligners and put them back in. You can easily take the aligners out for eating, brushing and flossing, and during sports activities.


This option is very effective in straightening your teeth and correcting other dental anomalies. It is custom-designed so it fits snugly to your teeth. It gradually moves each tooth vertically, horizontally, or rotationally until every tooth gets to their right position.

Consult with our Invisalign dentist in Agoura Hills to find out if this option is right for you.

Is Invisalign an Option for Me?

Sleep Apnea Signs

depressionen im alterSleeping disorders can invade multiple areas of your life and keep you from feeling your best. But what if you are unsure whether you have one? For disorders like sleep apnea, there are several indicators you or your partner may notice if you suffer from poor quality sleep.

Sleep apnea is classified as one or numerous pauses in breath during sleep that can last from one to several seconds long.

Our Agoura Hills dentist recognizes these key symptoms as indicators of sleep apnea:
Snoring- Loud, incessant snoring is not only frustrating, but also a large clue when it comes to diagnosing sleep apnea.

Jolting out of sleep- Gasping for air or waking up due to a choking sensation are both common in patients with obtrusive sleep apnea.
Morning headaches- forgetfulness, headaches, and lack of energy after a full night’s rest are reasonable cause to see a sleep apnea dentist.
If you think you may have sleep apnea, it is crucial to consult our dentist about potential treatment options to avoid any side effects associated with this disorder. You will be met with several practical options to combat this disorder and live a high quality life.

Call our office for more information or to set up a consultation with our sleep apnea dentist.

Sleep Apnea Signs

Does Invisalign Really Work?

Junge Frau setzt lächelnd Zahnspange in den Mund

When patients of our dentist in Agoura Hills learn they require orthodontic work, they often immediately express their interest in Invisalign treatment. While many consider traditional braces a treatment to be avoided at all costs, many also do not know about the specifics of Invisalign. Our dentist likes to ensure patients that Invisalign does work, and about the specifics of how it works.

Traditional braces use brackets and wires to pull the teeth into place. Invisalign, conversely, uses aligners to push the teeth. Aligners look and fit around the teeth just like mouth guards that you might wear during high contact sports. They work by applying consistent pressure to the teeth. They will fit a little tight, because they are shaped closer to where your teeth should be. Patients will move on to new aligners about every two weeks. Each one will be shaped a little more like how the arches should be shaped than the last ones.

Our Invisalign dentist in Agoura Hills reminds everyone that the treatment will work with the right level of participation. The aligners must be worn for at least twenty-two hours a day for full effectiveness. Less than this, and the teeth may not be exposed to enough pressure to see results on time.

Does Invisalign Really Work?

When You Need Dental Exam and X-Rays

Female dentist with x-ray pictureGetting regular dental exams and X-rays are important ways for you to protect your dental health. Most people should have their teeth checked about twice a year, but our dentist may recommend more or less frequent dental visits based on your individual needs. At routine checkups, we clean and check your teeth for cavities. We also perform a number of other routine checks, including:

• Reviewing your medical and dental history
• Reviewing any new medications or illnesses
• Screening your mouth for symptoms of oral cancer
• Evaluating your gums for symptoms of periodontal disease
• Checking all surfaces of your teeth to identify signs of tooth decay
• Examining all restorations for signs of wear or damage
• Removing plaque and tartar
• Polishing teeth
• Recommending changes or updates to your dental hygiene routine
• Reviewing any other dental care or treatment recommendations

If you smoke, have diabetes, are prone to cavities, or have certain other risk factors, we may recommend more frequent checkups. Most people will not need dental X-rays at every appointment, but they may be recommended about once a year. X-rays can also be necessary before certain procedures, such as root canals, extractions, and orthodontic treatment. Call our office today to learn more or to schedule your dental exam in Agoura Hills.

When You Need Dental Exam and X-Rays

Candidates for Porcelain Crowns

Happy young family looking at camera togetherIf you have a tooth with serious structural damage, you might be a candidate for a porcelain crown. A crown is a type of restoration that fits over the top of the natural tooth. It adds strength, improves function, and restores its cosmetic appearance. Our Agoura Hills dentist can help you decide if a crown is the right choice for you.

Crowns are often used with teeth that:

• Have had root canal therapy
• Are badly damaged or decayed
• Are misshapen
• Are fractured
• Are severely discolored

We can also use crowns with dental implants or dental bridges to replace lost teeth.

A crown is typically placed in two dental visits. During the first visit, we will prepare the tooth by removing decayed tissue and shaping the enamel. Next, we will take a dental impression to ensure an accurate fit. The impression is sent to the dental lab, which will design the new crown. We will apply a temporary crown to protect your tooth until the porcelain crown is ready.

Call our office today to learn more about porcelain dental crowns or to schedule your appointment with our dentist.

Candidates for Porcelain Crowns

What are the Benefits of Same Day Crowns?

0054Crowns and similar restorations not only strengthen teeth that have suffered damage, or patch together teeth that have just undergone a procedure. They also protect the teeth from sustaining further damage, such as deep decay or chips. It used to take two or more appointments to get a tooth capped with a crown, but thanks to new technology, we can now do it in just one day.

About Same Day Crowns

Our dentist in Agoura Hills will begin your appointment by examining the tooth in question and taking 3D images of it. These will be sent to a CAD/CAM machine, which stands for Computer Aided Design and Computer Aided Manufacturing. Using CEREC technology, the machine can use the desired material to create your crown.


The most impressive benefits of this Same Day Crown technology are the accuracy and the speed. Patients no longer have to be worried about whether their crown will fit well, as this method eliminates the possibility of human error. They can also wait in our office while it is being made, instead of having to interrupt their busy schedule with several appointments.

Check to see if your dentist offers Same Day Crowns, and has a CAD/CAM machine at their location, so you can reap the benefits of this new technology if it is needed.

What are the Benefits of Same Day Crowns?

What are Same Day Inlays and Onlays?

Happy patientSometimes teeth become damaged or suffer from decay, leaving them weak and unable to function properly. Fortunately, a restoration can be used to make them stronger protect them from further harm. These restorations include inlays and onlays. It used to take two or more appointments to apply these, but now, our Agoura Hills dentist is able to place them in just one visit.

Inlays are used to fill a cavity on the inside of the tooth, which onlays are used for the outside, or the crown. CAD/CAM technology makes it significantly easier to create perfect, custom restorations in a short period of time. Your dentist will take 3D images of the tooth in question, which will then be sent to a CEREC milling machine. This machine can use 3D printing technology and the desired material to create your inlay or onlay.

This is great news for patients who are short on time. You no longer have to schedule several appointments a week or so apart, and request time off work or plan them around your busy schedule. You are free to wait in our office while the machine is hard at work. Check to see if your dentist offers same day inlays and onlays.

What are Same Day Inlays and Onlays?

When Do Dentists Use Inlays and Onlays?

Happy patient

Inlays and onlays are used for dental restorations, and are a common alternative to full-coverage dental crowns. They are often also referred to as direct fillings. A direct filling is called an “inlay” if it is being applied to the center of a tooth, and an “onlay” if it is for the outside, or the surface, of a tooth. You may need an inlay or onlay if you have a tooth that has suffered damage from decay caused by a cavity. They not only restore your dental health, but relieve any pain and fix the look of the tooth.

There are several differences between a direct filling and a full coverage dental crown, which may explain why dentists prefer them. The first difference is while crowns are created in the mouth, inlays and onlays are created in a lab. This means that the procedure for applying them is much easier and less time consuming. Inlays and onlays are also known to be stronger and longer lasting, meaning less time making and attending dental appointments for the same problem. Patients also remark that direct fillings fit better than crowns, as well.

If you are curious about inlays and onlays, and would like to consider them instead of a crown, talk to your cosmetic dentist for their opinion.

When Do Dentists Use Inlays and Onlays?

How Fast Does Invisalign Express Work?

Junge Frau setzt lächelnd Zahnspange in den Mund

Invisalign Express can work in as little as a few months. This super-fast Invisalign treatment uses the same clear, comfortable aligners of conventional Invisalign, but it also features special adaptations that allow it to move teeth faster than you may have imagined. Our cosmetic dentist in Agoura Hills can help you decide if Invisalign Express is right for you.

You may be a candidate for Invisalign Express if you have minor crowding or spacing, slight misalignments or orthodontic relapse. The treatment has been specially designed to correct minor problems without the lengthy treatment process of conventional orthodontics. The treatment plan is created after a series of dental records is taken and 3D model of your smile has been made. Some patients may need manicuring, which creates more space for those with crowding, and buttons or attachments, which make it easier for the aligners to make certain movements.

Not all patients are candidates for Invisalign Express, but it can be a great choice for small flaws or for patients who are undergoing a smile makeover. Call us today to learn more about Invisalign treatment options or to schedule an appointment with our expert in Invisalign Express in Agoura Hills.

How Fast Does Invisalign Express Work?

Benefits of Same Day Inlays and Onlays


Advances in dental technology have made it possible to complete even complex restorations in a single appointment. In the past, inlays, onlays and similar restorations could take two to three appointments to finish, but today, we can have your tooth completely restored and ready to use in one day. Our Agoura Hills cosmetic dentist may recommend one if you have a large filling that needs to be replaced or a tooth that is heavily damaged or decayed.

Same day inlays and onlays have many benefits for your smile, including:

1. A conservative alternative to dental crowns
The tooth will require less preparation, which means that more of the natural structure can remain in place. An inlay can be used to repair the center of the tooth while an onlay may be needed to repair damage that includes one or more cusps.

2. A fast process
You will walk through our doors with a damaged tooth, but when you leave, you will have a beautiful new restoration that is ready to use.

3. A more comfortable restoration
There will be no need to return for additional treatments, no temporary inlay and no additional anesthetic shots.
Call us today to learn more about the benefits of same day dentistry or to schedule your appointment with our expert in same day inlays and onlays in Agoura Hills.

Benefits of Same Day Inlays and Onlays